A Song for Summer by Eva Ibbotson

A Song for Summer

A Song for Summer is a book about a girl named Ellen Carr. She was born in London around 1910-1920. Her mother and aunts want her to be a professor or scientist, but she loves housekeeping. She ends up with a job at an eccentric school specializing in music, drama, and dance. She enjoys it there, despite its wildness. She falls in love with the gardener Marek, and he loves her too, but they don’t get a chance to tell each other because Marek had a mission to complete: a dangerous one in the face of Hitler’s Reich. He comes back after a while though, and they experience their love. They become seperated again because Marek wished not to see Ellen after he sees his childhood home go up in flames. Ellen becomes engaged to another man, and you wonder whether they will ever get together for good.

I think others would like to read it because is full of mystery and questions that get answered along the way. It is an adventure, but there is love in it, too. Ellen is a heroine who you can relate to because she has dreams and love just like everyone does.

Review by Colleen H. – 8th grade

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